Thursday, April 17, 2008

Survey !

1. Starting time: 10:59 AM
2. Full name: Angela Bolisig Bagadiong
3. Nicknames: GELA, gelaboom, gelalove, gel, ange,angie, nge
4. School: O.B. Montessori Center Inc.,Greenhills (Philippines)
5. Email: &
6. Eyes: some say its black. some say its dark brown.
7. Height: 5'3
8. Hair: Black :) (Asian,yo!)
9. Siblings: none :'(
10. Do u like to sing in the shower? oh yeah!
11. Do u like to sing in The Toilet? that would just be nasty. :\
12. Birthday: 4th of January
13. Sign: capricorn
14. Address: Why would i want to put my address in the cyberworld,huh?
15. Gender: female
16. Righty or lefty: righty
17. Do you have a car?: How i wish i was'nt underage! HAHA!
18. What kinda car do you have/want?: i want them cars that are shown in pimp my ride19. Been so drunk you passed out: I didnt get drunk THAT MUCH. haha!
20. Missed school b/c it was raining: Yah, coz classes were suspended..go figure!
21. Set any body part on fire for amusement: one word: stupid.
22. Had an imaginary friend?: when i was 5. Oh yes, i do remember!
23. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Sure.. why not? jk
24. Cried during a flick: a lot of times :P
25. Prank called someone: about a million times..haha!
26. Been on stage: yeap!

27. Favorite movies: Shredderman Rules, Bring it on (all of 'em),You got served, etc28. Song: Like the first time by Devon Werkheiser.. (devon...devon...devon...)
29. Favourite TV Show: NDSSG, cribs, 7th heaven, THE SIIIIMPSOOONSS!!
30. Actor: John Travolta && Devon Werkheiser && Jason Dolley
31. Actress: Lindsey Shaw, Christian Serratos (She's a girl, ok? haha), emma roberts
32. Favorite food: All beef shawarma (Bring out the "bombay" in me!)
33. Favorite drink? COKE. oh so wonderful coke.
34. Number: i love the numbers #8 && #26
35. Cartoon: Celebrity Deathmatch as shown in MTv. Ayos! ;p
36. Cartoon Character: umm..hmm.. i duno! ;p
37. Disney Character: Aurora? of Sleeping beauty?! haha!
38. Ever thought an animated character was hot?: nope
39. Colour: Green and black and pink
40. Shampoo: Mane and Tail... and head 'and shoulders..LOL
41. Soap: SAFEGUARD! Yahoooo! ;p
Q42 missing. GONE FISHING.
43. Day/Night: thee night-time is thee right time!
44. Online Smiley: ;p
45. Ever liked a teacher?: Sir Aquino?! TF!? HAHAHAH!

46. Who's the loudest: ME? HAHA. joke. czar ;p
47. Who's the shyest: hmm.. Mira? i duno
48. Who do you cry with: myself.. :'(
49. Been mean: yeah. :|
50. Been sarcastic: a million of times ;p
51. Met someone new: once in a while,yeah.
52. Talked to someone you have a crush on: Talked to Devon? Not yet :(
53. Missed someone: Yeaah..
54. Hugged someone?: I hug lots of people
55. Fought with your parents: yeah, but I hate doing it. They always win.
56. Wished upon a star: yeah....they never come true, though
57. Laughed until you cried: yeah, one time! ;)
58. Watched a sunrise/sunset: oh yes.. :'( aaww.. rememberin the ole days! :(
59. Went to the beach at night?: Yup. w/ friends. t'was a sleepover ;p
60. Are you happy: I don't think I can ever be completely happy.

-----LOVE LIFE-----
61. Do you plan on having children: yeah sure. why not.
62. Do you want to get married: yeah. sure. lets get married. why not. haha
63. How old do u wanna be when you have your first child: 28? 29? :|
64. How old do u wanna be when your married: 27 :) thats fo sho haha ;p
65. Would you have kids before marriage: no
66. Do you have a b/f or g/f: noo... :((((
67. Like anyone now?: yeah.
68. Do you have a crush: for the millionth time, YES AND ITS DEVON!
69. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: no.... i just dont wanna do the hardwork ;p
70. Have you ever been in love? yeaah
71. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: Paris ;p or maybe LA ;p
Q72 missing. good.
73. What do you want in a relationship most? TRUST.
74. Have you ever cheated on someone?: I'd feel too guilty to do such a thing
75. Marital status: crushing ;p
76. Do you believe in love: ye
77. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: no no no

78. Music/TV: music
79. Guys/Girls: guys
80. Green/Blue: green
81. Pink/Purple: pink
82. Summer/Winter: SUMMER
83. Night/Day: thee night-time is thee right time!
84. Hangin Out/Chillin: hangin' out
85. Lace or satin: satin!!
86. God/Devil: I'd prefer God, thank you
87. The Big Bang Theory: what's the choice here?
88. Heaven/Hell: heaven...;p

89. Who named you?: My mom and Dad, La DuhR!?
90. When was the last time you showered: yesterday morning
91. What is right next to you?: another study table
92. What is your computer desk made of?: wood, i guess? haha
93. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: none of your business
94. what was the last thing that you ate?: MILO SANDWICH. (ya you heard it ryt)
95. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? DEVON. haha dream on
96. How many buddies do you have on your list? ...........I've never counted.
97. How's the weather right now?: HOT HOT HOT. its summer, baby
98. Have you ever smoked pot?: no, corz not
99. What did you do last night?: sleep..haha
100. How do YOU eat an Oreo?: twist.lick.dunk. no jk. ;p
101. If you could change your name: "Samantha Brooke" cool,huh? ;p;p;p
102. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?: I've done PLENTY of stupid things...I can't pick the STUPIDEST
103. What will your first son's name be?: i duno ;p
104. What will your first daughter's name be?: duno either ;p
105. Do you like Funny or scary movies or happy movies better?: funny&&scary movies!
106. Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: ya sure ;p
107. Weird saying I have: huh?
108. Have you ever taken drugs?: nope
109. What's a major turn on for you?: smile and the "killer smile" ;p
110. How far would you go on a first date?: kisses only, biatch ;p
111. The PERSON you know who is... Most Blonde: hmm... none ;p
112. Which 6 people do you trust and are open with the most?: I don't know
113. What do you think of soul mates?: they're out there, and they're worth the search
114. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: pbb. shet. :|
115. What's something about guys/girls you don't get?: you all have your agenda.
116. Love or lust: love....agonizing love...........
117. Silver or gold: gold. i duno ;p
118. Diamond or pearl: diamond.
119. Sun set or sunrise: both!
120. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping (to swim in the nude): nooooo!
121. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yeapp!
122. Do you have any piercings?: two holes in each earlobe (the one in the nose "faded" away)
123. What colour underpants are you wearing?: a purple victoria secret! ;p
124. What song are you listening to right now?: Like the first time by Devon Werkheiser
125. What's your favourite sport?: badminton and taekwondo
126. What makes you happy?: lots of things....
127. What's the next cd/s you're gonna get/buy?: FISHEYE by Callalily
128. What's the best advice given to you?: "its ok to be nervous."
129. Have you ever won any special awards?: yeap. in sports and academics..
130. What are your future goals?: be successful and marry devon ;p
131. Worst sickness u ever had?: i dont quite know how to spell it. haha!
132. On the phone or in person?: in person,
133. What song seems to reflect you the most?: "LIKE THE FIRST TIME" daaamn
134. If you die tmr who wud u leave everything to?: my mom
135. Do u have any enemies?: who knows?
136. What is your greatest fear?: FAILURE AND REJECTION
137. Would you rather be rich or famous?: rich. ;p (i can get famous by that! lol ;p)
138. What time is it in Albania now?: idk. &. idc
140. Have u met Santa?: oh, you mean my uncle in a santa suit? Sure,
141. E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign asking to use your phone?: go ahead.
142. When was the last time you talked to the person that you like: :(
143. Do u have any pets?: 2 dogs back in our province
144. All your base are belong to us: good grammar :|
145. There is: food on the table!!
146. Beam me up: *beeeeeaaaammmm*
147. Yatta!: wacha!
148. Use: bla bla bla
149. 3.14: hhuuhh?
150. Do you want your friends to do this survey?: sure, why not
151. Say something nice about the person who sent this to you: I got this off of some blog
152. Time done?: 11:18 a.m.